Search Backyard Vineyards

National Yoga Day | June 21st

Celebrate National Yoga Day with Kelsey Carignan from Vibrant Yogi and Backyard Vineyards!
Enjoy a 30 minute live streamed yoga class with Kelsey Carignan, followed by a guided virtual tasting of our award winning BYV wines.

Your ticket includes a live streamed yoga class and a tasting flight of our award winning wines. 

We look forward to seeing you there! Any questions, please give us a call at (604) 539-9463

Monday, June 21

5:30pm - 7:00pm

The comfort of your home

$89.95 + tax

What's Included
A zoom link to live stream the Yoga Class
Guided virtual tasting 
1 bottle 2020 Gewurtraminer
1 bottle 2020 Rose
1 bottle 2018 Chardonnay
1 tasting voucher for 2 guests

This event is only for those aged 19+


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Rave Reviews

  • I just wanted to take the time to thank you for the lovely wine tasting we had on September 14th. You accommodated 22 of us and everyone was made to feel welcome and really enjoyed their time. We will definitely be back!
    - Tour Group 2019

(604) 539-9463